Who We Are
Smithton Community Consolidated School District #130 is a Pre-Kindergarten through 8th Grade public school located in Smithton, IL (population 4,000). We serve roughly 550 students in grades K-8 with a teacher ratio of 15 to 1.
According to Illinois Report Card (illinoisreportcard.com) we are a commendable school with a 97% teacher retention rate and a strong supportive & safe environment.

Smithton CCSD is a leader in the implementation of digital devices for all students. The district is committed to providing all students with 21st Century Learning skills. Students are provided with an iPad to use in school in grades K-2 and Chromebooks in grades 3-8. All classrooms are outfitted with Promethean ActivPanels providing teachers and students with the most up-to-date classroom technology.
Our Mission
We are a community working together to foster personal growth for all students by providing a positive, rigorous and engaging learning environment in which students are empowered to achieve their highest potential.
Our Vision
Smithton CCSD #130 will be a leading school district in the region by maximizing partnerships between district, families and community in order to comprehensively develop the whole child who will have the skills necessary to be a positive contributor to society.
Inclement Weather
During inclement weather, the district administration may elect to cancel school for the safety and security of students and staff. In the event that school is cancelled, parents will be notified via automated phone call and text message. Additionally, school closure information will be made available on the Live Feed of the district website, as well as Facebook, and on the following media outlets: KMOX Radio, KTVI FOX Channel 2, KMOV CBS Channel 4, KSDK NBC Channel 5, KDNL ABC Channel 30.
What happens after 8th Grade?
After graduation from Smithton School at the end of eighth grade, students continuing their public school education attend Freeburg High School, an excellent comprehensive 9-12 school offering students rich academics and extensive extracurricular activities.