The Smithton Community Consolidated School District No. 130 PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PLAN was adopted by the Joint Committee on Teacher Evaluation on May 31, 2016. The plan was developed for compliance with Illinois Public Act 96-861. The purpose of the Act was to delineate the minimum requirements for the establishment of valid and reliable performance evaluation systems for employees who hold a professional educator license endorsed in a teaching or administrative field and are serving as a teacher, principal, or assistant principal. Pursuant to Article 24A of the School Code (105 ILCS 5/Art. 24A), the performance evaluation system shall assess both professional competence or practice and student growth.
Illinois Public Act 96-861
Users can access the plan document electronically below. In addition to a PDF version of each section, several documents are also posted in WORD template format.
Appendix B - Professional Practice Rubric
Appendix C - SLO Worksheet Templates
WORD VERSIONS - Click on the Option 1 or Option 2 image below to download a Word template to complete and print.
Appendix D - Mid-Point Reflection Form
WORD VERSION - Click here to download a Word template to complete and print.
Appendix E - Summative Evaluating Rating Document
Appendix F - Professional Development Plan Template
Appendix G - Webb Depth of Knowledge
Appendix H - DOK Question Stems
Figure 3 and Figure 4 below are taken from the plan narrative and explain how student growth is rating as well as a matrix that allows the teacher to plot their practice rating and student growth rating to understand their final SUMMATIVE performance evaluation rating.