Smithton School Technology

ipad and chromebook

"Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational." -George Couros, innovative teaching, learning & leadership consultant & speaker


Smithton CCSD 130 is pleased to be able to provide a personal device for every student in grades 1-8 to be used inside & outside (3-8) the classroom. Student personal devices are meant to enhance each student’s educational experience.  The mission behind providing each student with a personal learning device is to foster learning with an engaging and challenging environment that will prepare our students for high school and beyond.  For students, the ability to use technology effectively and efficiently to get work done, to creatively produce work & to effectively communicate and collaborate with others are critical skills in the 21st century.

Chromebooks & iPads enable teachers to create a student-centered, student-driven environment that encourages innovation and creativity.  In a global society, students are able to use their personal device as a gateway to information and as a means to collaborate with others.

Each 1st & 2nd grade student is provided an up-to-date Apple iPad (Gen 7 or Gen 9) for in-class learning. During winter months (during the unpredictable weather season), those students bring their iPads home. iPads are loaded with age level appropriate programs and teacher-approved games to enhance learning. During the winter they can be utilized for "inclement weather" days should one be called.

Each 3-8th Grade student is provided a Dell Chromebook 3100 or 3110. Our Chromebooks are renewed on a 5-6 year cycle. Students use their program for a variety of activities in their classrooms and beyond. Students bring their devices home each night to charge and to have them available for homework.

Device Damage

Students pay an annual $50 technology fee. This fee covers 1 instance of accidental device damage such as a cracked/broken screen, etc.

If a device is damaged again, repercussions are as follows:

  • 2nd damage instance - fee related to cost of the damage. $50 for screens, $40 for most other incidences. Some damage can cost more if new parts are involved.

  • 3rd damage instance - fee related to the cost of the damage as stated above AND device can no longer be brought home in the evening. May only be used under direct teacher supervision.

  • 4th damage and beyond - the above apply, as well as any necessary discipline determined by the classroom teacher and/or principal. The includes the possible revoking of student access to any technology device provided by the district.

Technology Director

Mrs. Meredith Geoppo


Other Information