Response to Intervention (RTI)

What is RTI?
RTI stands for Response To Intervention. RTI is a federal and state initiative to meet a wide range of student needs through general education services. Students in Kindergarten through 5th grade will be monitored using a universal screening tool three times per year (fall, winter & spring).
AIMS WEB is used as an assessment; this data will be used to help determine academic areas of need.
Students showing deficits in reading will receive research-based interventions in addition to classroom instruction.
Students may be referred to the SIT/SAP Team for problem solving & collaboration to develop effective interventions.
Students will be placed into one of three tiers:
Tier I students receive basic instruction in the classroom (80% of student population).
Tier II students will receive additional small group instruction each day in reading (15% of student population).
Tier III students will receive additional individualized instruction each day in reading. (5% of student population).
The interventions will continue until the student makes sufficient progress; if the student continues to struggle, more interventions will be put into place.