Last week at Smithton...Mrs. Carter’s 7th and 8th grade Art Club students created paintings to help the Commercial Club decorate for the community Winterfest that was held on Saturday evening. Our students are amazing artists!
over 3 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Last week at Smithton...on Friday our 1st Graders made Gingerbread houses!
over 3 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Though we're so very sad to see Principal Norton retire at the end of this school year, we are also excited about the possibilities that lay ahead. Please share the Principal job posting information with anyone you feel has the qualifications necessary.
over 3 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Before Thanksgiving, 7th Graders were learning about bacteria in Ms. Hedrick's Science class. They swabbed bacteria from a dirty desk (side A on the Petri dish) and swabbed a sanitized desk for side B. Some sanitizers worked better than others. Our class winners were Clorox wipes and Norwex cloth.
over 3 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
science 1
science 2
science 3
Our Lunch Menu has been posted for December under Dining. It can also be found in the Virtual Backpack (under About Us) by clicking on December 2021.
over 3 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
1st Grade had their Thanksgiving Feast this week! Here are pictures from Mrs. Barschak's, Mrs. Lucash's & Mrs. Gerberding's Classes. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! #smithtoncougarnation
over 3 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Smithton School is looking for a Head Cook. Job Description & application information can be found below or on our website under Employment Opportunities.
over 3 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Thank you to our Administration for providing teachers & staff with a surprise visit from Hot Mess Express this Monday morning. Staff were excited to go out and order a coffee to start their week! #smithtoncougarnation
over 3 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Smithton 7th graders made "Thank You" cards for veterans last week. Many of the students made cards for veterans in their families. Those students that did not have a veteran to give their cards to on Veterans Day made cards for local community veterans. These veterans received the cards at a special luncheon at the Smithton Catholic War Veterans Post 370 on Veterans Day.
over 3 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Today is World Kindness Day. Take some time to be extra kind to others.
over 3 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
6th Graders went on a field trip to Meramec Caverns today. Here are some pictures from their adventure!
over 3 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Please provide your input - your voice counts! Survey closes Sunday @ Midnight!
over 3 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Mrs. Runyon and Mrs. Berry are part of the Take A Bow Showcase & Rising Stars Theater Company's performance: All Together Now! They are a part of the backstage choir for the show. The show is celebrating the Lincoln Theater turning 100 years old. There are songs from famous Broadway shows from the 1920s to present day. The performances take place on November 12th & 13th at 7:00 PM and November 14th at 2:00 PM at the Lincoln Theater in Belleville, Illinois. Tickets:
over 3 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Help us create our next five-year plan.
over 3 years ago, Courtney Castelli
Planning Survey
Please watch for this flyer coming home in this weeks WWE!
over 3 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Last week 8th grade students creatively designed Haunted Mansions. After designing their spooky mansion, they became realtors and had to persuade others to buy the haunted home. 8 winners were chosen based on creativity, uniqueness, and persuasive techniques.
over 3 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Kindergarten held their Pumpkin Decorating Contest this past week! Everyone did a great job! The winners are listed below: Mrs. Guyette’s Class: 1st Place – Felix B. 2nd Place – Cache S. 3rd Place – Abby W. Most Original – Shelby C. Mrs. Brueggemann’s Class: 1st Place – Lydia P. 2nd Place – Emmitt M. 3rd Place – Jay H. Most Original – Wyatt A. Mrs. Pfeiffer’s/Mrs. Walls’ Class: 1st Place – Jessa F. 2nd Place – Aidan S. 3rd Place – Lennox K. Most Original – Riley L.
over 3 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
THANK YOU Smithon parents and students! We sold close to 1500 Ghost Grams - WOW! Thank you so much for supporting the NJHS. Our NJHS kids have been busy getting them ready for the past two weeks. Kudos to them!
over 3 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
ghost grams-21-2
Smithton Students remind us to "LEI" off drugs! #redribbonweek #smithtoncougarnation
over 3 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130
Parents, please do your best to send your student(s) to school with a mask each day! We are running low on supplies. Thank you for your efforts!
over 3 years ago, Smithton CCSD 130